Tuesday, July 24, 2007

What have you been doing this summer?

Blogging has been distinctly avoided from my summer activities lately. I now eye is cautiously, not as though it were another full thing to squeeze into a much too busy day, but as though it were one of those side acquaintances whose name I may remember during that time before or after summer RUF (college bible study) who must politely ask what I'm doing this summer. I set out my well compiled answered of those things that seem appropriate for one to do with a summer: some summer school, some work. As it happens more often than not (when there are no further inquiries into what classes I'm taking or where I'm working to change the subject to elementary education classes or church secretary work) the "list" seems rather meager for the accomplishments of two months and out stumbles the next best items I have to offer: some involvement with my church, some reading. Those may have hit closer to the truth of what was more important to me but as my list of church activities is unimpressive and my list of books read is small they seem less for having been said, for having to come out into words when they're not sure what to do with themselves anymore.

So, um, (I think I remember your name), I guess that's mostly what I've been doing. What are you doing?

I can't get any farther without suspecting that for all my social skills it's rather amusing how hard everyday life can be to put into words. Going to class this morning was an event. So was washing the dishes this evening while listening to music. As far as I can figure out the experience of the later is nearly inexpressible but maybe not less important than the former because of that. In that my summer has been very "everyday", something probably very good for me but not necessarily terribly familiar or comfortable. I go to class but I also make a sandwich to bring with me for lunch. I go to work and compile bulletins and such and I sit typing blog entries while drinking espresso with Irish cream in a small espresso cup a friend gave me for Christmas last year. I found and signed a lease on a small duplex near Belhaven and I sat in Borders and read children's books. I often find myself wishing for one of those few people with whom I can just sit and be without explaination and I'm hesitant right now at reading anyone's blog because I'm afraid they've said something about the ending of Harry Potter 7. This, of course, leaves alot unsaid, but somewhere in or under or through or beyond those sorts of things is what I've been doing this summer.

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